01 09 10


Hey! I'm Adilade. Addie. Adiladers. Adds. Atticus. I'll answer to any of them. I am 18 years old, and I am currently a student at Utah State University studying Business Administration at the Huntsman School of Business. 

I'm a lover of:
Nature, reading, drawing, taking photographs...of literally everything, learning, water (yes, I LOVE some ice cold H2O), Netflix, goodness, people, Instagram, skiing, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate chip cookies, CHOCOLATE, dresses, deep thoughts, summer, raspberries, swimming, family, flowers, adorable babies, crafting, cheese (my favorite's string), shopping, Pride & Prejudice, writing, In N Out Burger & their heavenly shakes, & a VERY big lover of traveling. Hopefully, someday I will be able to say that I've seen as much of the world as I possibly could within my lifetime.

I just started this blog to jot down some thoughts & experiences here & there, wishfully thinking that I'll be a better blogger than I am a journal writer. Enjoy! Or don't. It's up to you. :)

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