Hello, reader. Welcome to my blog.
Two assumptions about who you are: Either you are really, seriously bored, or you are my family. Or maybe you ARE my family, AND you are also seriously bored. But regardless of which category you fall under, thanks for taking the time to stop by & read the things I have to say.
Interesting story: I actually had this blog set up when I was around 10 years old thinking I was the coolest, most grown up 10 year old there ever was. I was a grown up, just like my parents, aunts & uncles. Boy, was I in for a treat when I recently remembered this dying blog & it's embarrassing content. I grabbed the laptop & typed in the link only to find emotionally touching stories about how the latest Twilight movie wasn't as good as I expected it to be, but was still decent. Or about how excited I was about my first phone that I needed to include 400 million exclamation marks. About how frustrating my siblings were being, or about how "aMaZiNgLy FuN" the family gathering with the cousins was. Even about how school was incredibly hard & awful (little did I know what high school had to offer). You get the point.
Anyway, I renovated everything & am hoping for better things to write about. I have the intention this blog will serve as redemption for the countless, & I mean countless, times I fail to physically write in a paper journal. So I'm hoping, praying, that this will be a good thing. Chances are I won't be that good at blogging either. It seems like everyone goes through multiple cases of forgetful-blogger-itis. I may or may not catch that a time or two. Maybe even more than a few times. Who knows? So if that happens... Oh well. Life goes on.
Wish me luck!